Glutathion S-Transferase mu (GSTM) is a phase II detoxification enzyme, whi
ch rapidly detoxifies carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. The prevalence of
this polymorphism is about 50% in the caucasian population. The lack of GS
TM1 has been linked with an increased susceptibility of smoking related can
cers. A homocygote deletion of the GSTM-gene results in a missing gene prod
uct. The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of the GS
TM1 nullgenotype in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck, especially th
e larynx and hypopharynx and to analyse the occurrence with respect to cert
ain anatomical sites of cancer. Material and methods: The GSTM1 genotypes o
f 83 patients with head and neck cancers and 60 healthy controls were deter
mined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using blood leukocyte DNA. The pre
sence or absence of the PCR-product after electrophoretic separation in an
2.0% agarose gel revealed the positive or negative genotype. Results: The a
bsence of the GSTM1 gen (nullgenotype) was found in 64% of all head and nec
k cancer patients and in 48% of the healthy controls (p < 0.05). Separating
for cancer site, the nullgenotype was found in 44% of patients with hypoph
aryngeal cancer and in 78% of patients with laryngeal cancer (p < 0.05). Th
e protein concentration of GSTM-enzyme correlated with the genotype. Conclu
sions: The results suggest that GSTM1 deficiency predisposes to head and ne
ck cancer, especially to cancer of the larynx, which is particularly expose
d to tobacco smoke carcinogens.