Expression profiling using DNA microarrays holds great promise for a variet
y of research applications, including the systematic characterization of ge
nes discovered by sequencing projects(1,2) To demonstrate the general usefu
lness of this approach, we recently obtained expression profiles for nearly
300 Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion mutants(3). Approximately 8% of the
mutants profiled exhibited chromosome-wide expression biases, leading to sp
urious correlations among profiles. Competitive hybridization of genomic DN
A from the mutant strains and their isogenic parental wild-type strains sho
wed they were aneuploid for whole chromosomes or chromosomal segments. Expr
ession profile data published by several other laboratories also suggest th
e use of aneuploid strains. In five separate cases. the extra chromosome ha
rboured a close homologue of the deleted gene; in two cases, a clear growth
advantage for cells acquiring the extra chromosome was demonstrated. Our r
esults have implications for interpreting whole-genome expression data, par
ticularly from cells known to suffer genomic instability, such as malignant
or immortalized cells.