In this paper we report three neuroimaging studies of language that investi
gate potential sources of inconsistency in measured hemodynamic responses:
(1) between sessions for fMRI, including differences in hormonal status, (2
) between sessions for PET, and (3) between scanning modalities (PET and fM
RI). Differences in evoked responses between sessions of the same modality
were small. In particular we did not find any effect of hormone levels when
testing during the first and third weeks of the menstrual cycle (although
we cannot exclude the possibility that activation in the temporoparietal re
gions is sensitive to hormonal status). Comparing the two modalities showed
that prefrontal regions were more activated in fMRI than in PET. This may
relate to task switching between blocks in fMRI that is not induced by PET
paradigms or increased error variance in these regions for PET. In contrast
, temporal activations were found in PET more than in fMRI. We attribute th
e lack of temporal activations, in fMRI, to a combination of factors, inclu
ding susceptibility artifacts, anticipatory activity during the control con
dition, discontinuous sampling of peristimulus time, and differences in the
source, acquisition, and analysis of the measured signals. It is concluded
that although there is sufficient reproducibility of results for these par
adigms within each modality, the regionally specific differences in sensiti
vity found between modalities warrant further investigation. These regional
ly specific differences are important for a properly qualified interpretati
on of activation profiles in fMRI. (C) 2000 Academic Press.