The results from a single functional magnetic resonance imaging session are
typically reported as indicative of the subject's functional neuroanatomy.
Underlying this interpretation is the implicit assumption that there are n
o responses specific to that particular session, i.e., that the potential v
ariability of response between sessions is negligible. The present study so
ught to examine this assumption empirically. A total of 99 sessions, compri
sing 33 repeats of simple motor, visual, and cognitive paradigms, were coll
ected over a period of 2 months on a single male subject. For each paradigm
, the inclusion of session-by-condition interactions explained a significan
t amount of error variance (P < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons) ov
er a model assuming a common activation magnitude across all sessions. Howe
ver, many of those voxels displaying significant session-by-condition inter
actions were not seen in a multisession fixed-effects analysis of the same
data set; i.e., they were not activated on average across all sessions. Mos
t voxels that were both significantly variable and activated on average acr
oss all sessions did not survive a random-effects analysis (modeling betwee
n-session variance). We interpret our results as demonstrating that correct
inference about subject responses to activation tasks can be derived throu
gh the use of a statistical model which accounts for both within- and betwe
en-session variance, combined with an appropriately large session sample si
ze. If researchers have access to only a single session from a single subje
ct, erroneous conclusions are a possibility, in that responses specific to
this single session may be claimed to be typical responses for this subject
. (C) 2000 Academic Press.