The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of soc
ial. phobia in the rural population of Udmurtia. A sample of 855 adult inha
bitants in rural Udmurtia was interviewed, using a structured diagnostic in
terview (CIDI). Social phobia affected 45.6% of the population on the basis
of ICD-10 and 52.7% on the basis of DSM-III-R during their lifetime. Socia
l phobia was more prevalent in women (51.8%) than in men (37.5%) and in eth
nic Udmurts (52.0%) than in Russians (33.3%). No associations with age, mar
ital status, or educational level were found. Social phobia had a high como
rbidity with depression in Udmurt men and women and with alcohol dependence
in Udmurt men. The results show significant association between social pho
bia and suicide attempts in men, with a lifetime rate of attempted suicide
of 9.4%.