Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate skin barrier function in
neonates in different anatomic sites during the first 2 days of life.
Design. The study population consisted of 44 healthy full-term newborn infa
nts. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum hydration (SCH), and
skin surface pH were measured in different anatomic sites (forehead, flexo
r part of forearm, upper back, abdomen, inguinal region, palms, and soles)
during the first 10 hours of life and 24 hours later. Measurements were rec
orded with a Tevameter, a Corneometer, and a skin pH meter with a flat glas
s electrode. Results were compared with those in 20 healthy adults.
Results. TEWL was lower in infants than in adults in the forehead, palms, s
oles, and higher in the forearms. It was significantly higher on day 1 than
on day 2 in the soles, palms, and forearms, and in the forearm, palms, and
inguinal region compared with the other anatomic sites. SCH was significan
tly lower in the infants on the forehead, back, and abdomen, and higher on
the forearms and palms; it was significantly higher on the first day of lif
e on the forearms and palms, and lower in the inguinal region. Skin surface
pH was significantly higher in the infants in all body sites (>6.6 in most
measurements). On day 2, it was significantly lower than on day 1, but sti
ll higher than in adults. SCH correlated positively with TEWL in the neonat
es but not in the adults. None of the variables were related to gestational
age, sex, mode of delivery, or body weight.
Conclusions. Changes take place in SCH, water loss, and pH in the first 2 d
ays after birth, suggesting that the stratum corneum barrier is still in th
e process of adapting to extrauterine life. The significant anatomic variab
ility in TEWL and SCH should be taken into account in evaluating the permea
tion of skin care products and topical medications in newborns.