The diagnosis and classification of cutaneous lymphomas is a challenge for
the dermatopathologist. This is particularly true for determining the disti
nction between a malignant lymphoma and a benign reactive infiltrate (pseud
olymphoma). Recent advances in molecular genetics, as the determination of
clonality of lymphoid infiltrates, have emerged as an important tool to ove
rcome these diagnostic dilemmas. In our experience, more than 90% of cutane
ous T-cell lymphomas have a rearrangement of the T-cell receptor gamma chai
n gene, whereas clonal rearrangements in cutaneous T-cell pseudolymphomas c
ould not be found. However, the demonstration of clonality does not necessa
rily indicate malignancy. There have been several reports that have identif
ied clonal lymphoid proliferations in pityriasis lichenoides et varioliform
is acuta, pseudolymphomas, and lichen planus. For this reason one must care
fully evaluate the information that is provided by these techniques, The re
sults should always correlate with clinical, histologic, and immunophenotyp
ic data to achieve the correct diagnosis, Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunde
rs Company.