This study compared hospital-admitted injuries during the 14 days after the
Northridge, California, earthquake of January 17, 1994, with hospital admi
tted injuries during the preceding 16 days at the same facilities, Seventy-
eight hospitals providing emergency care in Los Angeles County were screene
d; 16 were identified as having admitted at least one person for an earthqu
ake-related injury. Retrospective chart reviews of hospitalized injuries fo
r all of January 1994 were conducted at those facilities. The Northridge ea
rthquake resulted in 138 injuries severe enough to require hospitalization.
On the day of the earthquake, such injuries were 74% more frequent than us
ual overall. Some hospitals experienced as many as five times the number of
injury admissions seen in the days preceding the event The increase in cas
eload was short lived, however; injury admissions tended to return to norma
l levels within two days after the quake. Previous reported estimates of th
e overall number of severe injuries caused by the Northridge earthquake app
ear to be exaggerated.