OBJECTIVE: To report a case of table impaction of nifedipine extended-relea
se tablets (Procardia XL) discovered one year after discontinuation of the
drug in a patient with peptic stricture.
DATA SOURCES: English-language references identified via a MEDLINE search f
rom 1966 through September 1998 and bibliographic review of pertinent artic
DATA SYNTHESIS: Extended-release nifedipine has been associated wit the for
mation of medication bezoars in cae reports. Bezoars are concretions of und
igested material within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Although they can
occur throughout the GI tract, bezoars are most frequently located in the s
tomach and, rarely, in the duodenum. We report an unusual case of tablet im
paction with a gastric outlet obstruction in the duodenal area discovered o
ne year after the patient stopped takin extended-release nifedipine.
CONCLUSIONS: Extended-release nifedipine is associated with tablet impactio
n, even long after discontinuing administration. Although rare, clinicians
should be aware of this potential problem when prescribing extended-release
medications to patients at risk, and should consider this possible etiolog
y when refractory epigastric pain and weight loss occur.