To avoid time consuming culturell selective enrichment and confirmation ste
ps included in methods for the detection of salmonellae liquid selective me
dia were replaced by immunomagnetic separation and immunoconcentration tech
niques, and solid selective media by an EIA (VIDAS SLM).
Different types of dried milk products were artificially contaminated with
sublethally injured salmonellae (1-10 and 10-100/25 g), whereas raw milk an
d soft cheese were contaminated in the same way but with uninjured bacteria
In the case of dried milk products, raw milk with a relatively high bacteri
al load ("Milch-ab-Hof") and soft cheese combinations of these concentratio
n steps with the EIA worked not successfully. Using certified raw milk ("Vo
rzugsmilch") with lower bacterial counts even very low numbers of salmonell
ae could be detected within 24 h.