The taxonomy of Homopholis C. E. Hubb. is revised, and a new genus Whalleya
K. E. Wills & J. J. Bruhl is described. Relationships among the known spec
ies of Homopholis (H. belsonii C. E. Hubb., H. proluta F. Muell., and a put
ative species, H. sp. nov.), and the relationships between Homopholis and o
ther genera within the Paniceae were investigated. Morphological and anatom
ical data for Homopholis and selected species of Digitaria and Panicum were
analysed phenetically and cladistically. The value and contribution of cha
racters to the findings were assessed. In the phenetic analyses, three dist
inct clusters of species were formed. The first cluster included Digitaria
coenicola (F. Muell.) Hughes, D. divaricatissima (R. Br.) Hughes and D. pap
posa (R. Br.) P. Beauv.; the second, Panicum effusum R. Br., P. queenslandi
cum Domin var. queenslandicum and P. simile Domin; and the third, H. sp. no
v., H. proluta, H. belsonii and P. subxerophilum Domin. Specimens of H. bel
sonii noticeably separated from the other three species. For the cladistic
analyses, species of Entolasia and Thyridolepis were used as outgroup taxa.
One most parsimonious tree was produced. Homopholis belsonii was well supp
orted as the most basal member of the ingroup. The three species of Digitar
ia formed a well-supported clade. Panicum effusum, P. queenslandicum var. q
ueenslandicum and P. simile formed a well-supported clade, and were the sis
ter group to Entolasia marginata (R. Br.) Hughes and E. stricta (R. Br.) Hu
ghes. Panicum subxerophilum was in a clade (= Whalleya) with H. sp. nov. an
d H. proluta, with P. subxerophilum and H. proluta as sister species.