Male red-sided gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) deposit a thic
k gelatinous plug that occludes the female cloaca after copulation. Previou
s workers have interpreted the plug as a sexually-selected adaptation to (1
) physically prevent re-mating by the female, and/or (2) provide pheromonal
cues to discourage courtship by rival males or to decrease recepticity by
females. Our data support the former hypothesis, but not the latter. Plugs
serve as effective physical barriers to additional copulation for <72 h, bu
t this is long enough for most females to become unreceptive, and/or disper
se from the mating aggregation. Experimental removal of plugs immediately a
fter copulation results in some re-mating by females, but plug removal seve
ral hours later does not rekindle sexual receptivity. Contrary to previous
work, our experiments show that fluids associated with copulation (rather t
han the plug per se) are responsible for the rapid decline of male interest
in mated females. Thus, the plugs primary Function is to physically preven
t matings rather than as a source of pheromonal cues to manipulate the beha
vioour of females or rival males. Plug mass is determined not only by a mal
e's body size, but by his prior mating history (plug mass decreases with re
peated mating) and by the size of his partner (males allocate larger plugs
to larger females). Gartersnakes are unusual not only in their production o
f mating plugs, but also in their brief duration of copulation compared to
other snakes. Mating plugs may have evolved in gartersnakes to reduce matin
g times, because of the extremely high 'opportunity cost' of prolonged mati
ng to a male gartersnake in a mating aggregation. (C) 2000 The Linnean Soci
ety of London.