We investigated the possible correlation between the leptin concentration a
nd the Zn/Cu ratio in the plasma of women with thyroid disorder. Forty wome
n with hypothyroidism (n = 20) or hypothyroidism (n = 20) and 20 euthyroid
controls were recruited. The results showed that the women with thyroid dis
order (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) had higher plasma leptin concentr
ations than the normal controls (p < 0.05). Moreover, the plasma leptin con
centration had no correlation with plasma thyroid hormone levels in the sep
arate groups, nor among all the participants considered together. A strong
correlation (p < 0.005) between leptin and adiposity was only observed in e
uthyroid women. Plasma values of Zn and Cu and the Zn/Cu ratio were not mar
kedly different among women with altered thyroid status. However, a weak co
rrelation (r = 0.28, p = 0.032) between leptin and the Zn/Cu ratio was foun
d from the pooled data of all participants and retained after adjustment fo
r adiposity. We suggest that there may exist an interaction between the pla
sma leptin level and thyroid hormone-induced abnormality for selected miner