Background Low cholesterol may act as a peripheral marker for parasuicide.
Aims To examine the relationship between total serum cholesterol and psycho
logical parameters in parasuicide.
Method Total serum cholesterol and self-rated scores for impulsivity depres
sion and suicidal intent were measured in 100 consecutive patients followin
g parasuicide, pair-matched with normal and psychiatric control groups.
Results Backward, stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed a signific
antly lower mean cholesterol in the parasuicide population (P < 0.01). Acro
ss all groups there was an independent significant (P < 0.01) negative corr
elation between cholesterol and self-reported scores of impulsivity. No cor
relation existed between cholesterol and scores for depression or suicidal
Conclusions The data confirm previous reports of low cholesterol in parasui
cide. This is the first reported investigation of the construct of impulsiv
ity in relation to cholesterol. We hypothesise that the reported increased
mortality in populations with low cholesterol may derive from increased sui
cide and accident rates consequent on increased tendencies to impulsivity i
n these populations.