The Younger Dryas cooling event is well established in the North Atlantic r
egion through numerous climate proxy records. Although the climatological c
ontrols vary from site to site, it is considered to have taken place betwee
n about 10 000 and 11 000 BP (radiocarbon years) (similar to 11 500-13 000
calendar years ago). Outside the North Atlantic region, climate proxy recor
ds and chronology commonly become problematic because of weaker signals and
less dating control. In addition to this evidence, oceanic records reveal
conflicting evidence for Younger Dryas forcing mechanisms and the timing of
events. We compare proxy evidence with the results from an ocean general c
irculation model coupled to the energy-moisture balance atmospheric model.
The model results reveal a global pattern and regional magnitude which gene
rally agree with temperature changes interpreted from paleoclimate reconstr
uctions. The model also supports the general duration of global cooling of
the Younger Dryas. Although proxy data can be controversial outside of the
North Atlantic region, the authors believe that there is enough evidence to
support the Younger Dryas event on a global scale. They also recognize, ho
wever, that more concrete evidence is needed before the question can be une
quivocally answered.