HER-2/neu (neu-N) transgenic mice, which express the nontransforming rat pr
oto-oncogene, develop spontaneous focal mammary adenocarcinomas beginning a
t 5-6 months of age, The development and histology of these tumors bears a
striking resemblance to what is seen in patients with breast cancer. We hav
e characterized the immunological responses to HER-2/neu (neu) in this anim
al model. neu-positive tumor lines, which were derived from spontaneous tum
ors that formed in neu-N animals, are highly immunogenic in parental, FVB/N
mice. In contrast, a 100-fold lower tumor challenge is sufficient for grow
th in 100% of transgenic animals. Despite significant tolerance to the tran
sgene, neu-specific immune responses similar to those observed in breast ca
ncer patients can be demonstrated in neu-N mice prior to vaccination. Both
cellular and humoral neu-specific responses In transgenic mice can be boost
ed with neu-specific vaccination, although to a significantly lesser degree
than what is observed in FVB/N mice, indicating that the T cells involved
are less responsive than in the nontoleragenic parental strain, Using irrad
iated whole-cell and recombinant vaccinia virus vaccinations we are able to
protect neu-N mice from a neu-expressing tumor challenge. T-cell depletion
experiments demonstrated that the observed protection is T cell dependent.
The vaccine-dependent neu-specific immune response is also sufficient to d
elay the onset of spontaneous tumor formation in these mice. These data sug
gest that, despite tolerance to neu in this transgenic model, it Is possibl
e to immunize neu-specific T cells to achieve neu-specific tumor rejection
in vivo. These transgenic mice provide a spontaneous tumor model for identi
fying vaccine approaches potent enough to overcome mechanisms of immune tol
erance that are likely to exist in patients with cancer.