Purpose, To describe a new surgical technique for deep, anterior lamellar k
eratoplasty using a viscoelastic for dissection of Descemet's membrane (DM)
from the posterior stroma. Methods. Through a paracentesis, aqueous was ex
changed by air to visualize the posterior corneal surface-i.e., the air-to-
endothelium interface. Using the interface as a reference plane, a 30 gauge
needle was inserted into the cornea to just anterior to DM. Viscoelastic w
as injected to separate DM from the posterior stroma, and a recipient, ante
rior lamella was excised. A full-thickness donor button was sutured into th
e recipient bed, after stripping its DM. Results. In 25 eye bank eyes, the
procedure could be completed in 20 eyes; in 5 eyes, DM ruptured during visc
o-dissection. With light microscopy, dissection depth was located at the le
vel of DM. In two patient eyes the procedure could be completed. In a third
patient eye DM ruptured during visco-dissection, and the procedure was con
verted into a penetrating keratoplasty. Conclusion. Using visco-dissection,
a lamellar keratoplasty can be performed quickly, with the donor-to-recipi
ent interface just above the recipient DM, i.e., with a nearly perfect anat
omical replacement of all corneal stroma. There is substantial risk of rupt
ure or microperforation of DM during surgery.