PURPOSE: Tumor-induced angiogenesis requires migration and remodeling of en
dothelial cells derived from preexisting blood vessels. Vascular endothelia
l growth factor is the growth factor most closely implicated in the develop
ment of neovessels in colon cancer. However, vascular endothelial growth fa
ctor-specific receptors flt-1 and KDR mRNA expression are absent in normal
sinusoid vessels surrounding vascular endothelial growth factor-producing s
econdary hepatic tumors. Thus, the potential role of sinusoidal endothelial
cells in the mechanism of neovessel formation within liver metastatic carc
inomas remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine whether
sinusoidal endothelial cells ate involved in tumor angiogenesis in a syngen
eic model of liver metastases from colorectal cancer. METHODS: Sinusoidal e
ndothelial cells were identified by fluorescence microscopy after uptake of
acetylated low density lipoprotein labeled with a fluorescent probe (dioct
adecyl-lindocarbocyanine). One hundred microliters of dioctadecyl-indocarbo
cyanine acetylated low density lipoprotein were injected intraportally at t
he start of experiment in ED IS rats. Two days later, intraportal injection
of 10(7) DHD K12, a chemically induced colon carcinoma cell line, was perf
ormed in syngeneic ED IX rats. Animals were killed one week later and the l
ivers were processed for routine histologic examination and immunohistochem
istry using the mt endothelial cell antigen-I monoclonal antibody RESULTS:
In normal parenchyma fluorescence was associated with sinusoidal cells but
not with endothelium of large blood vessels. Thus, specific acetylated low
density lipoprotein uptake allowed histologic;ll differentiation of sinusoi
dal endothelial cells from other large-vessel endothelial cells present in
the hepatic parenchyma. In tumor-bearing liver a spatial gradient of fluore
scence was generated. Labeled cells accumulated at the periphery of the met
astases. When tumors grow beyond 200 mu m, neovessel formation was observed
; there was an invasion of fluorescent-labeled cells from the periphery, wh
ich were arranged in a tubular formation within neoplasia. CONCLUSION: In l
iver metastases tumor vessels are lined with sinusoidal endothelial cells.
Identification of a specific cell type involved in the formation of the str
omal compartment of tumors has important implications. Sinusoidal endotheli
al cells express well-characterized surface receptors and differ morphologi
cally and metabolically from large-vessel endothelia. They should be consid
ered as attractive targets for future and existing antiangiogenic strategie
s directed against the stromal compartment of liver metastases.