A liquid column with height H, trapped in a capillary tube of radius R
, possesses a mechanical eigenfrequency. The axis of the capillary tub
e is oriented parallel to the gravitational force, so that the lower m
eniscus is fixed at the lower end of the tube, if the density rho of t
he liquid is higher than that of the surrounding fluid. Basic assumpti
ons of the linear theory are a pinned contact line, the spherical cap
approximation and H much greater than R. The shape of the susceptibili
ty function, the dimensionless ratio of the mean liquid displacement t
o the driving pressure gradient plotted versus frequency, depends on t
he parameter X-0 = omega(0)/omega(c) only, where omega(0) denotes the
eigenfrequency of the undamped system and omega(c) = eta/(rho R-2) sta
nds for the characteristic frequency with the viscosity eta. For X-0 >
root 24 the system is underdamped and resonance occurs, while for X-0
< root 24 the system is overdamped and resonance cannot be observed.
If one interpretes capillary tubes as a model of a porous medium, the
present mechanism contributes to the damping of sound waves in porous
media saturated by two immiscible fluids, one of them being trapped.