Desirable dietary habits and other lifestyle practices reduce premature mor
tality and compress the period of morbidity experienced towards the end of
life. Aging adults an at risk of nutritionally inadequate diets especially
in relation to protein, vitamins D, B1, B6, B12, fluid and other food compo
nents. interventions aimed at ensuring dietary adequacy also need to consid
er the social and cultural aspects of eating as food is Fundamental to a pe
rson's well-being and quality of life. The nutrition-related health problem
s associated with aging such as Frailty, depression, incontinence and chron
ic non-communicable diseases should be identified in both the individual an
d in the community before dietary and other health interventions are implem
ented. In older adults, these dietary and health promoting interventions sh
ould then focus on maximizing function and quality of life, be acceptable a
nd finally, measurable in terms of effectiveness.