Background: Endoscopic examinations of the colon are often recommended for
surveillance following colorectal cancer resection. The actual use and outc
ome of this testing are not known.
Methods: Five thousand seven hundred sixteen patients 65 years of age or ol
der with local or regional stage colorectal cancer diagnosed in 1991 were i
dentified through the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results registry. A
ll inpatient and outpatient Medicare claims from 6 months after diagnosis t
hrough the end of 1994 were examined to determine use of endoscopic procedu
Results: One or more colonoscopies were performed in 51%, with an average o
f 2.9 procedures performed among those tested; sigmoidoscopy was performed
in 17%. The rate of colonoscopy was highest during the initial 18 months. P
olypectomy was performed in 21% of all patients, and subsequent primary col
orectal tumors were diagnosed in 1.3%. Factors associated with colonoscopy
and sigmoidoscopy use included younger age, survival through follow-up, and
geographic region; sigmoidoscopy was also more common in relation to recta
l cancers.
Conclusions: There is variability in the use of endoscopic procedures follo
wing potentially curative resection for colorectal cancer, with patient-rel
ated factors and local practice patterns accounting for the variation. Furt
her studies are needed to elicit the reasons for lack of follow-up and adhe
rence to practice guidelines.