The effects of matter creation on the evolution and dynamics of an anisotro
pic Bianchi type I space-time is investigated in the framework of open ther
modynamic systems theory. For a cosmological fluid obeying a Zel'dovich typ
e equation of state (rho = p) and with particle creation rate proportional
to the square of the mean Hubble function and to the energy density of matt
er, respectively, the general solution of the gravitational field equations
can be expressed in an exact parametric form. Generically all models start
from a non-singular state. In the large time limit anisotropic cosmologica
l models with particle creation rate proportional to the square of the Hubb
le function end in an isotropic hat (inflationary or non-inflationary) phas
e while models with particle source function proportional to the energy den
sity of matter do not isotropize, ending in a Kasner-type geometry.