The behavior of natural analcime (Nidym, Siberian platform), its K- and Rb-
forms, and natural leucite (Orvietto, Italy) was studied by Raman spectrosc
opy in a diamond anvil cell at pressures up to 47 kbar. Natural analcime ex
hibits three phase transition at 7, 20, and 37 kbar, the latter showing ano
malies in the frequency region of the framework vibrations. Anhydrous K- an
d Rb-analcimes, containing cations in the water positions, and natural leuc
ite exhibit similar high-pressure behavior with only one phase transition a
t about 22-26 kbar. These transitions are supposed to be of displacive and
related to the distortions of secondary building units of the aluminosilica
te framework, in particular, four-membered rings (we propose the geometry o
f such distortions), and to displacements of intrachannel cations and water