This paper describes development of a new speech visualization system that
creates readable patterns by integrating different speech features into a s
ingle picture. The system extracts the phonemic and prosodic features from
speech signals and converts them into a visual image using neither speech s
egmentation nor speech recognition. We used four time-delay neural networks
(TDNN's) to generate phonemic features in the new system. Training of the
TDNN's using three selected frames of eight kinds of acoustic parameters sh
owed significant improvement in the performance. The TDNN outputs control t
he brightness of patterns used for consonants, that is, each of the consona
nt-patterns is represented by a different white texture whose brightness is
weighted by the output of a corresponding TDNN, All the weighted consonant
-patterns are simply added and then overlaid synchronously on colors due to
the formant frequencies. When this is done, phonemic sequences and boundar
ies manifest themselves in the resulting visual patterns. In addition, the
color of a single vowel sandwiched between consonants looks uniform. These
visual phenomena are very useful for decoding the complex speech code, whic
h is generated by the continuous movements of speech organs. We evaluated t
he visualized speech in a preliminary test. When three students read the pa
tterns of 75 words uttered by four mates (300 items), the learning curves s
how ed a steep rise and the correct answer rate reached 96-99%. The learnin
g effect was durable: after five months of absence from the system, a subje
ct read 96.3% of the 300 tokens in a response time which averaged only 1.3