The failure of a single optical link or node in a wavelength division multi
plexing (WDM) network may cause the simultaneous failure of several optical
channels. In some cases, this simultaneity may make it impossible for the
higher level (SONET or IF) to restore service, This occurs when the higher
level is not aware of the internal details of network design at the WDM lev
el. We call this phenomenon "failure propagation." We analyze three types o
f failure propagation, called "bottleneck," "connectivity," and "multiple g
roups." Then we present a solution based on the definition of appropriate r
equirements at network design and a WDM channel placement algorithm, protec
tion interoperability for WDM (PIW), Our method does not require the higher
level to be aware of WDM internals, but still avoids the three types of fa
ilure propagation mentioned above, We finally show the result on various ne
twork examples.