The temperature dependence of the proton relaxation rates has been studied
in molecular glassy crystals cyano-adamantane (C10H15CN) confined in the po
rous space of a silica glass of 60 Angstrom and 150 Angstrom nominal pore s
izes. In the temperature range corresponding to the hulk plastic phase, the
NMR proton lineshape of the confined materials revealed a two phase system
consisting of a liquid-like component and a crystalline solid bulk-like co
mponent. As for the bulk, the alpha process, related to the dipolar axis mo
tion, controlled both T-1z and T-1 rho in the largest pores. From, the NMR
results we concluded that the dynamics of this alpha-relaxation process is
slightly enhanced by the confinement giving rise to a negative shift of the
glass transition temperature. On the contrary the confinement has no influ
ence on the relaxation rates in the glassy state.