Dr. Foster, From bobolinks to bears: interjecting geographical history into ecologicalstudies, environmental interpretation, and conservation planning, J BIOGEOGR, 27(1), 2000, pp. 27-30
In these days of supercomputer-based global climate models, large ecosystem
experiments including Biosphere II, and aircraft-borne sensors of ozone ho
les it is often overlooked that many fundamental insights into ecological p
rocesses and major environmental issues come not through reductionist or hi
gh-tech studies of modern conditions but from thoughtful consideration of n
ature's history. In fact, it is foolhardy to make any ecological interpreta
tion of modern landscapes or environments or to formulate policy in conserv
ation or natural resource management without an historical context that ext
ends back decades, at least, but preferably centuries or millennia. Oftenti
mes, the ecological and conservation communities, in their search for more
detail on the present and simulation of the future, appear to have forgotte
n the value of a deep historical perspective in research and application. H
owever, the willingness of the geographical sciences to embrace broad tempo
ral and spatial perspectives and to consider cultural as well as natural pr
ocesses is worth emulating as we address environmental subjects in the new