The lack of suitable animal models for the in vivo study of HIV-1 infe
ction has prompted investigators to take advantage of the graft-reject
ion deficit in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Two separa
te approaches have been used to transplant human lymphoid and/or hemol
ymphoid tissues into SCID mice to generate chimeric animals in which d
istinct elements of the human immune system could be maintained and st
udied in vivo. The two models that arose from this work were the SCID-
hu mouse and hu-PBL-SCID mouse. The goal of producing these distinct m
odels is to provide an easily manipulable model for the in vivo analys
is of HIV-1 infection and its ensuing pathophysiology. Both models sup
port HIV-1 replication and display potential as models for studying an
tiviral strategies and mechanisms of viral pathogenesis. This review f
ocuses on the SCID-hu mouse.