We show that the problem of finding a perfect matching satisfying a single
equality constraint with a 0-1 coefficients in an n x n incomplete bipartit
e graph, polynomially reduces to a special case of the same peoblem called
the partitioned case. Finding a solution matching for the partitioned case
in the incomlpete bipartite graph, is equivalent to minimizing a partial su
m of the variables over Q(n1,n2)(n,r1) = the convex hull of incidence vecto
rs of solution matchings for the partitioned case in the complete bipartite
graph. An important strategy to solve this minimization problem is to deve
lop a polyhedral characterization of Q(n1,n2)(n,r1). Towards this effort, w
e present two large classes of valid inequalities for Q(n1,n2)(n,r1), which
are proved to be facet inducing using a facet lifting scheme.