Buoyancy-driven flow associated with salinity variations is proposed as the
principal driving force that has caused large-scale migration of brine and
hydrocarbons at the Dead Sea Rift. Numerical simulations indicate the coex
istence of two basin-scale groundwater flow systems, one atop the other, wi
th opposite flow directions. The first is a density-driven migration of bri
ne through deep aquifers from the rift outward, which has affected hydrocar
bon maturation and migration, and the formation of three small gas fields.
The second is a topography-driven groundwater flow through relatively shall
ow aquifers from the surrounding highlands toward the rift valley, which ha
s caused oil biodegradation, forming heavy oils and asphalts. Simulations i
ndicate that how-held configurations of both groundwater and hydrocarbons h
ave changed during the structural evolution of the rift, illustrating the i
nterrelationships between basin formation, paleohydrology and hydrocarbon r
eservoir formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.