The pathogenesis of acute graft versus host disease (GVHD) is multistep pro
cess. This review considers acute GVHD in three sequential steps: condition
ing regimen, donor T cell activation, and effector mechanisms. In step one,
the conditioning regimen simultaneously damages and activates host tissues
, amplifying antigen presentation to allogeneic donor T cells. In step two,
donor T cells, activated by host alloantigens, proliferate and secrete a v
ariety of cytokines. Type 1 cytokines (interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma)
are critical for acute GVHD, but several regulatory mechanisms of tissue da
mage include inflammatory cytokines and cytolytic cellular effecters. The g
astrointestinal (GI) tract is a principal target organ because damage to th
e GI mucosa can release inflammatory mediators such as endotoxin that ampli
fy systemic disease. The inflammatory processes of acute GVHD can be consid
ered as a distortion of the cellular responses to viral and bacterial infec
tions. Cell-mediated toxicity is critical to other GVHD target organs, part
icularly the liver, where Fas-mediated injury predominates. The cytolytic p
athways (e.g., perforin) clearly intensify acute GVHD, although they are no
t necessary for systemic disease in several model systems. Many of these in
sights come from animal models using mutant mouse strains that can clarify
the role of individual proteins or cell types in the disease process. These
insights should allow the testing of new classes of drugs and inhibitors i
n clinical bone marrow transplantation.