In a paper on spectroscopic imaging published in this journal Spielman et a
l. (J. Magn. Reson. 79, 66-77 (1988)) made the important point that a prior
i information about the compounds present can and should be incorporated in
to the estimation of spectroscopic signal parameters. They proposed using t
he maximum likelihood (ML) approach for parameter estimation, but failed to
incorporate properly the full a priori information that was assumed to be
available. Consequently they ended up with a spectroscopic imaging method t
hat is only a suboptimal approximation of the ML method. In this paper we d
erive the exact ML method, present a computationally efficient implementati
on of it (which is much faster than the direct implementation suggested by
Spielman et al. for their suboptimal method), and illustrate numerically th
e performance gain that can be achieved over the method of Spielman et al.
(C) 2000 Academic Press.