The knowledge and the information about Renin Angiotensin System and Argini
ne-Nitric Oxide pathway helped us in understanding more about cardiac, vasc
ular and renal systems, their function, the physiology, and pathophysiology
of different diseases that may affect them. The existence of a Nitric Oxid
e/Angiotensin II axis, brought modification to our ways of thinking with ne
w and more pathophysiological approaches to the treatment of hypertension a
nd end-organ disease. There appears to be a link between hypertension, salt
sensitivity, endothelial function and NO-Ang II axis on one side and end o
rgan damage on the other side. Anti-hypertensive agents that can restore en
dothelial function beside their antihypertensive effect, may be better in p
reventing or at least slowing end-organ damage.