Imaging below gas is a robust application of four-component (4C) seabed sei
smic, Imaging of faults and the crest of the structure under the gas cloud
have been improved. Conventional streamers record only the pressure (P)-wav
es and suffer from very-low signal/noise ratio and pull-down under the gas
cloud. P-waves converted to shear (S)-waves, PS-waves, are largely unaffect
ed by fluids. Multicomponent methods have been developed, including normal
moveout (NMO), dip moveout (DMO), and binning, to improve converted wave pr
ocessing, The migrated pressure wave images show good imaging of the steep
flank segments, distortion under the gas-invaded zone, and poor event conti
nuity in the crestal feature. The converted wave images show similar struct
ure and good continuity under the gas.