Collecting accelerated degradation test (ADT) data can provide useful lifet
ime information for highly reliable products if there exists a product qual
ity characteristic whose degradation over time can be related to reliabilit
y. However, conducting a constant-stress ADT is very costly. This is obviou
sly not applicable for assessing the lifetime of a newly developed product
because typically only a few test samples (prototypes) are available. To ov
ercome this difficulty, we propose a step-stress accelerated degradation te
st (SSADT) in this paper. A case study of light emitting diodes data is use
d to illustrate the proposed procedure, It is seen that SSADT has several a
dvantages over a constant-stress ADT. SSADT not only reduces the experiment
al cost significantly, but also provides the reliability analysts an effici
ent tool to assess the lifetime distribution of highly reliable products.