The practice of leaving clippings on the lawn recycles nutrients and reduce
s yard-waste but the residue of unsightly clippings deters widespread adopt
ion. An experiment was conducted on a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)
turf to evaluate mowing practice in combination with various fertilizer ty
pes and application rates. The main objective was to minimize clipping yiel
d while achieving acceptable turfgrass quality. The return of clippings, as
compared to clipping removal, was associated with fewer weeds and a darker
green more luxuriant turf. Furthermore, the benefits of clipping return we
re achieved using half (97.6 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) as much N as is typically ap
plied (195.2 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) for high maintenance turf. Slow-release N fe
rtilizers were shown to reduce spring clipping yield and thereby make the p
ractice of clipping return a more acceptable mowing practice.