OBJECTIVE How effective and safe is rescue percutaneous transluminal corona
ry angioplasty [PTCA] compared with primary PTCA, and is it cost effective?
BACKGROUND In acute myocardial infarction (AMI), primary PTCA has been show
n to be beneficial in terms of clinical outcome. In contrast, the value of
rescue PTCA has not been established.
METHODS In a retrospective analysis, we compared the angiographic and clini
cal outcomes of 317 consecutive patients who had rescue PTCA similar to 90
min after failed thrombolysis and 442 patients treated with primary PTCA. A
n estimation of interventional costs was compared with tilt: strategies of
primary and rescue PTCA or with the strategy of thrombolysis with rescue PC
A, when indicated.
RESULTS Baseline characteristics between primary and rescue PTCA were compa
rable for most variables. Treatment delay was longer for patients who had r
escue PTCA: 240 min. versus 195 min. Coronary patency after PTCA was compar
able: 90.2% for rescue PTCA and 91.4% for primary PTCA (p = 0.67, power 71.
9%). In-hospital mortality rates were 4.7% and 6.6%, respectively (p = 0.37
). Also, the other complications were fairly similar during the in-hospital
phase and during one-year follow-up. Predictors of death were age, infarct
size, localization of AMI, failed PTCA and left main stem occlusion. The e
stimated interventional costs during one-year follow-up were $7,377 for pri
mary PTCA and $8,246 for rescue PTCA: difference $869 (11.7%).
CONCLUSION In this retrospective analysis of 759 patients with AMI, rescue
angioplasty early after failed thrombolysis seems to be as effective and sa
fe as primary PTCA. In the present evaluation, interventional costs of prim
ary PTCA are less than those of rescue PTCA (p = 0.0001). (J Am Coil Cardio
l 2000;36:51-8) (C) 2000 by the American College of Cardiology.