Background: The management of the regional lymph nodes remains controversia
l for early-stage melanoma and For those patients with lymph node metastase
s; American Joint Committee on Cancer stage III. This study examines the im
portance of quality of the surgical resection measured by the extent of lym
ph node dissection (quartile of the total number of Lymph nodes removed) to
determine if this factor is an important prognostic factor for survival.
Study Design: We reviewed our computer-assisted database of more than 8,700
melanoma patients prospectively collected from 1971 through the present to
identify patients who underwent lymph node dissection for stage III melano
ma. We included only patients who had their nodal dissections performed at
our institute. Patients who underwent sentinel lymph node dissection were e
xcluded. These patients were then analyzed as a group and by individual lym
phatic basins: cervical, axillary, and inguinal basins. Univariate and mult
ivariate analyses were used to examine the model that included tumor burden
, thickness of the primary melanoma, gender, age, clinical status of the ly
mph nodes (palpable versus not palpable), and the primary site. The surviva
l and recurrence rates were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazards mod
Results: Five hundred forty-eight patients underwent regional lymph node di
ssections. Of these patients, 214 underwent axillary dissections, 181 ingui
nal dissections, and 153 cervical dissections. The extent of the nodal diss
ections was based on the quartile of nodes excised, ranging from 1 to 98 (m
ean +/- SD = 25.8 +/- 15.8). Patients were stratified by tumor burden and q
uartile of number of lymph nodes removed. The overall 5-year survival of pa
tients with four or more lymph nodes having tumor and the highest quartile
of lymph nodes removed was 44% and was 23% for the lowest quartile of total
lymph nodes excised (p = 0,05). By univariate analysis, tumor burden (p =
0.0001), quartile of total lymph nodes removed (p = 0.043), and primary sit
e (p = 0.047) were statistically significant for predicting overall surviva
l. Gender, clinical status of the nodes, primary tumor thickness, age, and
dissected basin were not significant (p > 0.05). By multivariate analysis o
nly the tumor burden (p = 0.0001) and quartile of lymph nodes resected(p =
0.044) were statistically significant.
Conclusions: The extent of lymph node dissection for melanoma when anal)zed
by quartiles is an independent factor in overall survival. This factor app
ears to be more important with increasing tumor burden in the lymphatic bas
in. The extent of lymph node dissection should be considered as a prognosti
c factor in the design of clinical trials that involve stage III melanoma.
(J Am Coil Surg 2000;191:16-23. (C) 2000 by the American College of Surgeon