Advances in supportive care have been among the most influential chang
es in cancer treatments over the past few years. Effective anti-emetic
therapy has markedly reduced suffering due to emesis and has allowed
most chemotherapy to be delivered on an outpatient basis. Carefully de
signed studies have combined knowledge of clinical aspects of chemothe
rapy treatment with relevant neuropharmacological considerations. This
has permitted the continued development of new agents and combination
regimens, resulting in better emetic control with fewer side-effects
and optimal patient and staff convenience. Today, the most extensively
used anti-emetic agents for patients receiving moderately to severely
emetogenic chemotherapy are the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) receptor
antagonists. Currently available agents in this therapeutic class incl
ude ondansetron, granisetron, and tropisetron; dolasetron, another mem
ber of this class, is available in the U.K. and is now approvable in t
he U.S.A. Use of the best proven regimens prevents both acute and dela
yed emesis in most patients. In patients receiving cisplatin, 75-85% a
chieve complete control of acute emesis and 50-75% have complete contr
ol of delayed emesis. In patients receiving moderately emetogenic chem
otherapy, complete control of acute emesis is achieved by 90% of patie
nts and complete control of delayed emesis by 80-95% of patients. The
most effective and convenient regimens for acute emesis employ a combi
nation of serotonin antagonists with corticosteroids, single-dose sche
dules, the lowest effective doses and, most recently, oral administrat
ion. Further improvement of emetic control will require more widesprea
d adherence to the best established regimens and identification of oth
er pharmacological pathways. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Lt