Intracellular in vivo recordings of physiologically identified inferio
r colliculus central nucleus (ICc) auditory neurons (n = 71) were carr
ied out in anesthetized guinea pigs, The neuronal membrane characteris
tics are described showing mainly quantitative differences with a prev
ious report [Nelson, P.G, and Erulkar, S,D., J. Neurophysiol., 26 (196
3) 908-923], The spontaneous spike activity was consistent with the di
scharge pattern of most extracellularly recorded units, The action pot
entials showed different spike durations, short and long, and some of
them exhibited hyperpolarizing post-potentials, There were also differ
ences in firing rate. The ICc neurons exhibited irregular activity pro
ducing spike trains as well as long silent periods (without spikes). I
ntracellular current injection revealed membrane potential adaptation
and shifts that outlasted the electrical stimuli by 20-30 ms. Both evo
ked synaptic potentials and the spike activity in response to click an
d tone-burst stimulation were analyzed. Depolarizing-hyperpolarizing s
ynaptic potentials were found in response to contralateral and binaura
l sound stimulation that far outlasted the stimulus (up to 90 ms). Whe
n ipsilaterally stimulated, inhibitory responses and no-responses were
also recorded, Although few cells were studied, a similar phenomenon
was observed using tone-burst stimulation; moreover, a good correlatio
n was obtained between membrane potential shirts and the triggered spi
kes (input-output relationship). These in vivo results demonstrate the
synaptic activity underlying many of the extracellularly recorded dis
charge patterns. The data are consistent with the known multi-synaptic
ascending pathway by which signals arrive at the ICc as well as the d
escending corticofugal input that may contribute to the generation of
long duration post-synaptic potentials.