The organization of the wing component of the dorsal column-medial lem
niscal pathway, and somatosensory projections from the thalamus to the
Wulst, are described for an oscine member of the major group of birds
, the Passeriformes. Wing primary afferents terminate throughout the c
ervical spinal cord, but between the brachial enlargement and the spin
o-medullary junction, they are confined to medial lamina V. Within the
medulla, terminations extend rostrally and laterally to occupy the cu
neate (Cu) and external cuneate nuclei (CuE). Ascending projections fr
om Cu and CuE form the contralateral medial lemniscus, which has exten
sive projections to the midbrain and to the thalamus. In the midbrain
the projections surround the central auditory nucleus densely and term
inate more sparsely within it. In the thalamus, specific terminations
were observed in nucleus uvaeformis and in the nucleus dorsalis interm
edius ventralis anterior (DIVA). DIVA projects to the ipsilateral rost
ral Wulst where it terminates in the intercalated hyperstriatum access
orium, in a distinct, regular patchy fashion. The somatosensory projec
tions to the telencephalon in green finch are similar to those in pige
on, but dissimilar to those in budgerigar.