An entrapment syndrome is defined as a chronic nerve irritation in fibro-os
seous tunnel. The entrapment syndromes of the lower extremities ore the fol
lowing. 1.) tarsaltunnel syndrome with compression of the tibial nerve post
erior and inferior to the medial malleolus, 2.) Morton's syndrome with irri
tation of the 4(th) N. digitalis plantaris communis between the capitula of
the 3(rd) and 4(th) metatarsal bones, 3.) saphenus neuropathy with compres
sion of the saphenus nerve in the canalis adductorius Hunter, 4.) meralgia
paraesthetica with irritation of the lateral cutaneaus nerve beneath the in
guinal ligament, 5.) piriformis syndrome with compression of the sciatic ne
rve under the piriformis muscle, 6.) ilioinguinalis syndrome with lesion of
this nerve passing the muscles of the abdominal well. The diagnosis con pa
rtially be ensured by electrodiagnostic methods. Therapeutically, infiltrat
ions of local anaesthetic drugs can be performed or surgical exploration an
d decompression will be necessary.