Although the heterogeneity of electrophysiological properties is increased
after myocardial infarction, the degree of this heterogeneity has not been
well quantitated and its relationship to the histological changes that occu
r after infarction has not been carefully examined. The purpose of the pres
ent study was to test the hypothesis that alterations in electrophysiologic
al properties in healing canine infarction are related to particular histol
ogical changes. Experimental infarction was produced by left anterior desce
nding coronary ligation. Six dogs were used as controls, six were studied 5
days following, and six were studied 8 weeks following infarction. Pacing
thresholds, effective refractory periods, and activation-recovery times wer
e determined at 112 sites on the anterior left ventricle using a multiple e
lectrode plaque. Conduction velocity, conduction-heterogeneity index - a me
asure of conduction disturbance - and histology of the epimyocardium underl
ying the plaque were assessed. The effective refractory periods and activat
ion-recovery times were greater in both infarction groups, most prominently
in the subacute group, in subacute infarction, significant postrepolarizat
ion refractoriness was present. in healed infarction, conduction velocity w
as decreased and the conduction-heterogeneity index was increased compared
to controls and subacute infarction. Dispersion of excitability and repolar
ization was associated with more extensive local scarring. Dispersion of my
ocardial fiber angles was associated with the conduction-heterogeneity inde
x. Some but not all of the electrophysiological changes noted in the animal
s with infarction were also seen in sham operated animals. Thus, heterogene
ity in repolarization and refractoriness is greatest in the subacute phase
of myocardial infarction and is associated with the extent of local cell de
ath. In contrast, disturbances in conduction are greatest in healed infarct
ion and associated with disarray of myocardial fibers.