We used the natural abundance of N-15 in soils in forests, pastures and cul
tivated lands in the Menagesha and Wendo-Genet areas of Ethiopia to make in
ferences about the N cycles in these ecosystems. Since we have described th
e history of these sites based on variations in C-13 natural abundance, pat
terns of delta(15)N and delta(13)C values were compared to determine if shi
fts of N-15 correlate with shifts of vegetation. At Menagesha, a > 500-yr-o
ld planted forest, we found delta(15)N values from -8.8 to +3.5 parts per t
housand in litter, from -3.5 to +4.5 parts per thousand in 0-10 cm soil lay
er, and from -1.5 to +6.8 parts per thousand at > 20 cm soil depth. The low
delta(15)N in litter and surface mineral soils suggests that a closed N cy
cle has operated for a long time. At this site, the low delta(13)C of the s
urface horizon and the high delta(13)C of the lower soil horizons is clear
evidence of a long phase of C-4 grass dominance or cultivation of C-4 crops
before the establishment of the forest > 500 years ago. In contrast, at We
ndo-Genet, high delta(13)C of soils reveals that most of the land has been
uncovered by forests until recently. Soil delta(15)N was high throughout (3
.4-9.8 parts per thousand), and there were no major differences between for
ested, cultivated and pasture soils in delta(15)N values of surface mineral
soils. The high delta(15)N values suggest that open N cycles operate in th
e Wendo-Genet area. From the points of view of soil fertility management, i
t is interesting that tall forest ecosystems with relatively closed N cycli
ng could be established on the fairly steep slopes at Menagesha after a lon
g period of grass vegetation cover or cultivation.