Visitation of orchids by Meliponini (stingless bees) is confirmed only in 1
3 Melipona, Partamona and Trigona, for Xylobium and Maxillaria, with the ad
dition of Trigona fulviventris visiting Ionopsis. Some bees evinced multipl
e floral visitation by carrying several stipes and viscidia from pollinaria
, thus may cause seed set. None foraged pseudopollen, nor is collection of
this substance by bees verified. Meliponine-visited orchids had pollinia in
quartets with emplacement on the bee's scutellum, possibly devices for pol
linia survival on a social bee passing through its nest. Further, orchids p
roduced no nectar, but bees repeatedly came to flowers. A testable basis fo
r the orchid-meliponine relationship is mimicry of rewarding resources, or
bee pheromone mimicry, recently documented for some honey bees. Meliponine
pheromone analogs (nerol and 2-heptanol) are here noted for Maxillaria, but
lack of foraging with pheromones by Melipona suggests multiple avenues of
mimicry by orchids, including alarm pheromone and carrion mimicry.