Multiplication of bacteria within the central nervous system compartment tr
iggers a host response with an overshooting inflammatory reaction which lea
ds to brain parenchyma damage. Some of the inflammatory and neurotoxic medi
ators involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury during bacterial
meningitis have been identified in recent years. As a result, the therapeu
tic approach to the disease has widened from eradication of the bacterial p
athogen with antibiotics to attenuation of the detrimental effects of host
defences. Corticosteroids represent an example of the adjuvant therapeutic
strategies aimed at downmodulating excessive inflammation in the infected c
entral nervous system. Pathophysiological concepts derived from an experime
ntal rat model of bacterial meningitis revealed possible therapeutic strate
gies for prevention of brain damage. The insights gained led to the evaluat
ion of new therapeutic modalities such as anticytokine agents, matrix metal
loproteinase inhibitors, antioxidants, and antagonists endothelin and gluta
mate. Bacterial meningitis is still associated with persistent neurological
sequelae in approximately one third of surviving patients. Future research
in the model will evaluate whether the neuroprotective agents identified s
o far have the potential to attenuate learning disabilities as a long-term
consequence of bacterial meningitis.