In North America, people call the directory assistance operator to find the
phone number of a business or residential listing. The directory assistanc
e service is generally maintained by telcos, and it represents a significan
t cost to them. Partial or complete automation of directory assistance woul
d result in significant cost savings for telcos. Nortel Networks has a prod
uct called Automated Directory Assistance System (ADAS) Plus which partiall
y automates this directory assistance function through the use of speech re
cognition. The system has been deployed all across Quebec, through most of
US West and BellSouth. ADAS Plus primarily automates the response to the qu
estion "for what city?" through speech recognition. We give details of this
speech recognition system and outline its performance in the deployed regi
ons. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.