In Europe, phytotherapeutic preparations have been prescribed for the treat
ment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) for over 20 years [1
-14]. In these countries, phytotherapeutic preparations represent approxima
tely 1/3 of total sales of all therapeutic agents sold for the treatment of
BPH. In France, acid other countries, phytotherapeutic preparations are th
e most widely used drugs for the treatment of BPH. In Asia, Africa, and Ind
ia, phytotherapy is considered a first-line treatment for BPH and has been
utilized effectively for centuries. In the United States, the multimillion
dollar sales of phytotherapeutic preparations for "the health of the prosta
te and bladder" attests to the widespread utilization of these agents [3, 4
Two of the most popular phytotherapeutic agents that have undergone both cl
inical studies to determine their efficacy, and have been the subject of ba
sic science studies to identify the mechanism(s) of action are Pygeum afric
anum (Tadenan), an extract from the bark of the African plum tree, and Sere
noa repens (Permixon), a lipido-sterol extract of dwarf palm. Tadenan and P
ermixon are registered therapeutic agents of Debat Pharmaceuticals, and Pie
rre Fabre Medicament, respectively. Manufacture of both preparations are ti
ghtly controlled and subjected to strict quality control for stability of c
omponent composition. In regard to phytotherapeutic agents, each individual
preparation (even from the same plant source) must be considered individua
lly because of differences in the extraction techniques, preparation of pro
ducts, composition, and biological activities. Thus, the clinical and biolo
gical activities of one preparation cannot be extrapolated to other prepara
tions of the same plant source. Thus, studies described in this review whic
h utilize the preparations that are manufactured by DEBAT (Pygeum africanum
) or Pierre Fabre Medicament (Serenoa repens) are referred to by their trad
e names, Tadenan and Permixon, to differentiate them from other nonstandard
ized preparations of the same plants.