Nano - sized Fe2O3 containing 0 similar to 14% (mass fraction) Cr2O3 was pr
epared by coprecipitation method using Fe3+ (Cr3+)/Fe2+ mixed ions (with th
e ions ratio = 2:1.). XRD Rietveld analysis showed that such Fe2O3 was a mi
xture of crystalline gamma - Fe2O3 and amorphous Fe2O3. The abundance of am
orphous Fe2O3 ranged from 21.72% to 48.60%. When the amount of doping Cr2O3
was less than 2.4%, the Mossbauer spectra of either the crystalline or amo
rphous Fe2O3 samples were all sextets. If Cr2O3 was more than 2.4%, there a
ppearred a superpara - magnetic doublet whose intensity increases linearly
with the concentration of Cr2O3. During coprecipitating, there existed two
hydrous complexes, one was Fe3+ hydrous complexes mixed with a small amount
of Cr3+, another was Cr3+ hydrous complexes mixed with Fe3+. These hydrous
complexes formed nano - sized magnetic and non - magnetic Fe2O3 respective
ly. The later hydrous complexes mixed with the former, hinderd crystal form
ing and growth.