Whey protein-based supramolecular aggregates show great promise as agents f
or texturisation and structure building in foods (Bryant & McClements 1998)
. Such structures have been prepared by heating beta-lactoglobulin-rich whe
y protein dispersions under specific conditions of temperature, pH and ioni
c strength. The response of supramolecular whey protein structures to chang
es in ionic strength, acidity or temperature has been characterised recentl
y (McClements & Keogh 1995; Hongsprabhas & Barbut 1997). The present resear
ch is an extension of earlier investigations that focused on the formation
of whey protein macrostructures and their use for viscosity building and ge
l formation at temperatures as low as 0 degrees C (Stockaann 1996). The stu
dy reported here has been directed toward characterisation of additional ph
ysicochemical and functional properties of heat modified whey proteins.